Monday, October 21, 2013

High blood pressure

High Blood Pressure

Poor diet, lack of exercise, intense weight training and some simple activities like public speaking can make your blood pressure jump. The cause for concern arises if it goes up and remains up. It is one of the most important indicator of cardiovascular problems after the age of 65 and hence, it needs to be treated. So if you are suffering from high blood pressure, it is vital that you should be under constant medical supervision. But there is no need to worry. You can take ...

Home based cure for high blood pressure

Poor diet, lack of exercise, intense weight training and some simple activities like public speaking can make your blood pressure jump. The cause for concern arises if it goes up and remains up. It is one of the most important indicator of cardiovascular problems after the age of 65 and hence, it needs to be treated. So if you are suffering from high blood pressure, it is vital that you should be under constant medical supervision. But there is no need to worry. You can take care of this problem without using drugs by making simple diet and lifestyle changes. Go for regular exercise, stop smoking, manage stress and change your diet to reduce alcohol, fat and salt intake.

You can also follow the following home remedies to treat your blood pressure problems:

Eat celery: Since centuries, people have used celery and its oil to cure blood pressure. It contains a compound which lowers blood pressure by relaxing the muscles lining the arteries.


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